EWS Millau – Dirty Race Report Part 2

If you tuned in for Part 1, then you may be wondering how I intend to drag out a sequel race report when I managed to transform into a cunt bonfire and wasn't actually in the race come Day 2. Don't worry, I hav...

EWS Millau – Dirty Race Report Part 1

Dirty warning today - This one is a fucking monster, mainly as its likely the final race report of the year and definitely because of the nature of the event... So at worst grab a coffee first, at best, a hammo...

Mission Briefing: EWS Millau!

If you caught up on all the tourtured antics from EWS Madeira, then congratulations for clawing your way through the myriad of first world ENDURO problems, but you probably also wondered aloud a few times as to...