Return of the DN Road kit!

Its BACK! Thanks to the sell out (of stock, not principles... Well, not yet and there aren't a lot of those to be fair), the second batch of Dirty Nomad Road kit has arrived! For those of the tarmac persuasion,...

DM2 – Day 7: Homecoming

BOOM - Out of Strayla and back into NZ to start phase 2 of Dirty Mega March! Kicking it in Melbourne a good way to shake off the Buller beat down that my legs had been subjected to. Thanks to The Teacher for ha...

ENDURO just got a little Dirty…

Up until now on the Dirty Gear front it had been ALL Road... So much ranting and raving about the road kit, which no question has exceeded even my expectations as to how it turned out. But somehow it seemed inc...

Dirty Random… Wait, its Feb?!

Man, first DRRU in February clearly means the year is in hyperdrive mode... Feral. Its a massive DN gear overload today, not a promotion per se, as I have limited stock, so no sales drive here, but I'm learning...

Dirty Gear is here!

YO! Excitement overload... Proving that I am indeed not the Bernie Madoff of cycling kit, yes I have been sweating on this given some people paid on day 1, the wait for the DN Road Kit is finally over! I arrive...

Dirty Road Kit reboot

Well, thanks to everyone for the positive feedback and interest in covering yourself Dirty for road riding! Was great to see everyone loving the DN Road kit as much as those involved in its creation. I did get ...

The Long and Dirty Road…

Been off the air a few days, this time it wasn't me that was broken, no, for a change it was the website, taking it like a gang bang newbie. Thanks to, which provided me with the technical equivalen...