Before I lose anyone’s focus, quick, here is a short  MF Montage of yesterday’s Rotorua ride… Clearly I have run out of innovation and/or inspiration on the music front, so enjoy this funky Germanesque DUFF DUFF tune to go with some select shots from Rots the sequel:

Apologies also for a bit of rain on the lens… Speaking of which, it was pretty clear last night as I scrambled out of the Whaka forest that the worm had turned on the weather front and I was going to be lucky to get a second ride in without impersonating an otter.

This leg of the DNST hasn’t been fuelled by the best luck we’ve ever seen, so it was no surprise to awake to the sound of rain taking over and cancelling the scheduled day of riding. Sure, I could have gone out in the pissing rain with a body that felt fucked, slopped around in the shit, ruined gear, filled the bike full of water and generally of had a rubbish time. I chose to avoid all that and instead went to the best MTB bike shop around, Bike Culture, to drawl over Santa Cruz bikes:


On the left, the much desired V10c… and on the right the “which one do I choose” combo of the 5010 and Bronson

It confirmed to me that I need and/or want a Santa Cruz 5010, Bronson and V10c…. All in large please if you insist on being an anonymous benefactor. These bikes are truly pieces of sweet art, even if you weren’t into bikes, getting one of these in your sweating palms would make it very difficult for you to resist the reality of their exquisiteness.

To give an example of how this leg of the DNST has misfired from time to time, check out this little view of the two days before I arrived in the MTB promised land:


Perfect riding conditions and the shuttle would be doing GOOD business…

And, then, of course the two days that I had scheduled to ride there some weeks ago… Yip, you know it. Oh, also, its looking awesome down there the moment I fly out of NZ:



This is part of my Rots weather curse, I tend to attract the wetness… Not the only scenario where that happens to me though to be fair. Next time I will have to ambush the place.

So, this leg of the DNST is all but wrapped up… Its time to regroup and plan out the final leg, so stay tuned for what comes next!

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